Dubai Customs 8th Sustainability Report is out

Posted on September 22, 2016 · 2 min read

Dubai Customs 8th Sustainability Report is out - Featured Image | MEA Markets
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Dubai – With the goal of making its sustainable processes known to the public, Dubai Customs has just released its 8th Sustainability Report. The Report depicts DC’s sustainable practices in developing Customs work and leveraging Dubai’s foreign trade. 

A roadmap to achieving the goals in sustainability and humanitarian work was devised by HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, when he said, “The aid that we provide is directed purely by humanitarian values, and never bound by politics, geography, race or creed. The UAE will always be the capital of humanity. We do not hesitate to help and support the brother, the ill-fated friend or the needy wherever they are. This is our message to the world, and this is the United Arab Emirates.”

In the opening address of the Dubai Customs Sustainability Report, the Chairman and CEO of DP World Group and Chairman of Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, promised “to continue on our sustainable journey in order to strengthen the capabilities for Dubai Customs by following the directives and vision of the President and Prime Minister which leads to formalizing command and control of the border, providing a nationally coordinated approach to border operations, enabling shared information and intelligence systems for global security and implementing scalable traveler processing.”

He congratulated Dubai Customs on its accomplishments and contributions to the economic, social and sustainable development of Dubai and the UAE and endorsed his confidence for all future endeavors.

Commenting on the release of Dubai Customs 8th Sustainability Report, Ahmed Mahboob Musabih, Director of Dubai Customs, said “I am once again honored to share the latest update and performance information on our sustainability and responsibility philosophy & approach which is designed to meet the globally set standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI – G4) and has been built of the pillars of transparency, integrity and engagement. I take this opportunity to thank our employees who are the ambassadors of security and control for their dedicated contributions towards the achievements in 2015.” 

The eighth annual edition of Dubai Customs Sustainability Report shares the performance data and other information for the year 2015, for comparison reasons on DC’s social, economic, organizational and environmental information. The report details out identified key stakeholders and the methodology with which DC interacts with them.

On the other hand, Khalil Saqer bin Gharib, the Director of Dubai Customs’ Corporate Communication Department, commented, “The communications strategy evolves to continually support the delivery of Dubai Customs’ strategic objectives within the business plan and stakeholder strategies. We aim to reinforce Dubai Customs’ success with more initiatives in sustainability and CSR in the UAE as well as abroad.”

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