New Initiative to Boost Safety at Dubai Customs Centres

Posted on October 10, 2016 · 1 min read

New Initiative to Boost Safety at Dubai Customs Centres - Featured Image | MEA Markets
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Dubai ‘ Dubai Customs has launched an initiative to closely observe such behaviors and acts that might put at risk people’s health and work environment safety within Customs centers.

Dubai Customs is very much committed to maintaining a healthy and safe work environment, by implementing a Health and Safety Policy at all DC facilities.

The Acting Director of Administration Affairs at Dubai Customs, Khawla Slaes, said that the initiative aims at reinforcing positive safety practices as well as identifying and addressing behavioural risks, in a bid to avoid physical injuries and damage to property. 

‘As part of the initiative, discussions of safe work practices will be encouraged among employees at customs centres,’ said Ms Slaes.

She explained that the first phase of the initiative would be implemented through the Command & Control Rooms, whose personnel are highly trained and equipped to handle and set straight reported actions. Health and safety ‘ endangering actions will be recorded using surveillance camera monitors and an incident report will be raised to the concerned entity to carry on corrective measures, either instantly or within 20 days depending on the nature of the incident.  

‘The Command & Control Room was chosen as it is well-equipped with technical devices and individuals to receive and address reported misconducts and practices,’ she said.

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