To inspire the next generation of Egyptian talents and introduce them to the world of engineering, Siemens is hosting 35 students of the Thanaweya Amma top achievers ‘ the equivalent of high school in Egypt ‘ on a learning trip to Germany. During the trip, students, from across the country, will tour the company’s facilities and learn about innovative engineering technologies and career opportunities; while gaining a better understanding of the skills necessary for today’s manufacturing industry.
During the five-day trip, taking place from October 17-21, 2016, the students will be given the opportunity to tour Siemens Fortuna power plant, one of the world’s most energy efficient power plants, located in D’sseldorf, Germany. On the walking tours inside Siemens Gas and Steam Turbine Factories, in M’lheim and Berlin, students will view the production of steam and gas turbines and generators while learning about power generation and transmission systems.
‘There is a substantial shortage of skilled labor to fill the various roles in Egypt’s modern infrastructure. As an engineering company, we feel it’s important to show students the wide variety of career paths in the engineering industry and the talent that is needed to fill those opportunities,’ said Emad Ghaly, CEO of Siemens Egypt. ‘Our commitment is intended to fascinate these talented young people by technology, and to make technical specialties more interesting to them.’
Ahead of their visit to Germany, Ghaly met with some of the students for a two-hour open dialogue that addressed several topics, such as different career paths, future life aspirations and entrepreneurship.
As part of the agenda, students will also visit the Siemens Education Center in Hanover where they will have the opportunity to speak with other students and various technical professionals to hear about their careers as engineers, machine operators, programmers and service professionals.
Ali Abdullah, the student of the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez Canal University, described the trip as ‘a very good opportunity to have a better feeling of a real-life factory environment’. He added: ‘I have just joined the Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, and I think it’s very important for an engineer to have a first-hand experience through such a trip. It is very useful to see the factories and operating machinery, not just learn about them.’
As one of the biggest private training enterprises, during fiscal year 2014/2015, Siemens employed around 10,000 trainees and students on cooperative study.