MEA 2017 South Africa Awards

8 MEA MARKETS / APRIL 2017 , The Institute of People Development (IPD) is committed to an ongoing process of achieving andmaintaining its status as a “centre for learning excellence”. We profile the firm to find out more and explore the secrets behind its success so far. Best Education Management Company – Gauteng & Award for Excellence in Training & Development Services Founded in 1999, IPD strives to equip, prepare and certify Leaders, Managers and L&D practitioners in order to serve South Africa’s skills development strategy as well as facilitating the transformation of education and training. Over the years, IPD has become the preferred people development partner to most state owned and private enterprises in Southern Africa. Building a culture of lifelong learning means creating a learning enterprise. It means thinking laterally, changing negative attitudes and encouraging employers and workers to accept skills development as a vital contributor to improving productivity and competitiveness. The need is for creative lateral thinking. IPD firmly believes in maintaining compliance with South Africa’s affirmative action and Broad- Based Black Economic Empowerment requirements, and thus the company’s Employment Equity objective remains at 60% black. We are a Micro Exempt company with a level 4 BBBEE. Initially, IPD provided SDF Training but the company soon expanded its service offering to include all accredited Learning and Development training courses, as well as full NQF level four and five qualifications. In 2005 IPD added a Higher Certificate, NQF level six qualification to its stable and instituted a policy of Recognition of Prior Learning of all qualifications. As the company continued to grow, it began offering consulting services in the Learning and Development in 2008. In 2015 IPD extended scope to include Management Qualifications and programmes to increase Leadership development. In line with this new offering, IPD began hosting breakfast seminars offering continuous professional development learning interventions. Directors Mark Orpen and Gizelle McIntyre currently drive the business, and have defined the core business of IPD as; accredited training, management training, specialist consulting and alumni support services. Additionally, IPD offers professional, customised and highly adaptable consulting services that deliver targeted sustainable skills development solutions and a measurable Return on Investment. True skills development solutions are tailor-made depending on clients’ needs, garnering an excited, skilled and productive workforce. IPD’s consulting services include various continuous professional development learning interventions. IPD’s directors attribute its success to constant innovation in Skills Development, a long standing and reliable brand image, strong business architecture and professional service delivery. The company’s unique selling proposition is that it manages the outsourcing of specialist consulting and facilitation in excellence, while the IPD curriculum remains well conceptualised and ahead of evolving market needs and trends. IPD’s clients regard its long-range views, diverse philosophies, collaborative partnership approach, academic SA170001 credibility and industry relevance as both useful and valuable. Looking ahead, focus areas for growth within the business include the firm’s specialist consulting business, accredited training and its alumni support services business. Through this growth strategy, IPD aims to be well prepared for the opportunities that will arise when the expected shifts in the quality assurance regime are implemented in South Africa, which is estimated to occur in the year 2020. The company’s immediate goals include maintaining its current position as market leader.