UAE Business Awards 2024

MEA | UAE Business Awards 2024 20 Best Adventure Destination Company 2024 & MEA Hospitality Excellence Award 2024 Warrior Group Founded by CEO Troy Gillham in 2014, the Warrior Group specializes in conceptualizing and delivering extraordinary projects and events. Since launching the UAE’s first Desert Warrior Challenge, the company has collaborated with numerous government bodies and private sector clients to develop world-class products and services across adventure racing, adventure recreation, and extreme sports. Recognised in this year’s UAE Business Awards, the Warrior Group strives to ignite community passion with exciting experiences and outstanding adventure facilities. ince its inception, the Warrior Group has become the country’s leading adventure company and foremost distributor of premium sports and adventure equipment in the MEA region. The pioneering business specializes in project management, facility operations, event management, design and development of exceptional adventure destinations. Driven by values of innovation, persistence, and reliability, the Warrior Group focuses on commercial viability and destination development through adventure. The team has designed, constructed, and operated some of MEA`s most thrilling adventure experiences and facilities including the AlUla Adventure Hub in Saudi Arabia, and Fujairah Adventure Park in UAE (phase two). Passion for adventure and expertise are at the heart of the Warrior Group, with its comprehensive services offering everything from concept to delivery to create incredible experiences. The team begins the process by identifying a client’s requirements to establish clear objectives that align with their specific goals. By developing effective communication plans, the company can ensure ongoing engagement and transparency among its stakeholders. The team will then conduct extensive risk assessments, allocate resources, and create realistic timelines and milestones. The Warrior Group integrates quality assurance measures throughout the project’s lifecycle to ensure the company maintains its high standards. Troy Gillham, CEO of the Warrior Group, says, “In the dynamic landscape of adventure recreation and tourism, standing out from the competition requires a blend of innovation, sustainability, and clientcentricity. At the Warrior Group, we pride ourselves on embodying these principles to offer our clients a truly exceptional experience unlike any other. What makes us truly unique is our commitment to innovation. We constantly push the boundaries of adventure tourism development, introducing cutting-edge experiences that captivate and inspire.” The Warrior Group also prioritises sustainability, integrating eco-friendly practices to protect the environment and support local communities. By working hard to reduce its ecological footprint, the company can ensure that its adventures are both thrilling and responsible. The team prides itself on its client-centric approach, taking the time to understand client’s unique needs and desires. Whether designing a bespoke adventure destination or delivering a standalone project, the Warrior Group is dedicated to crafting tailored solutions that go above and beyond client’s expectations. There has been a significant rise in adventure tourism development in the Middle East region as more tourists seek adrenaline-inducing activities on their travels. The region’s strategic location and progressive tourism policies provide the ideal foundation for tourism development projects. Working in partnership with the government, the Warrior Group is actively involved in multiple complex Mega projects across Saudi Arabia that highlight the country’s varied landscapes and cultural heritage. With its innovative concepts, the company aims to create extraordinary experiences that not only bring adventure to life but also celebrate the region’s rich cultural and diverse landscape. Building upon its overwhelming success, with 2023 reporting a remarkable revenue growth of 2.5 times, the Warrior Group is set to embark on even greater endeavours in the future. Over the coming year, the company has plans to establish its first office in Saudi Arabia and significantly grow its portfolio of adventure projects. The Warrior Group currently working on several exciting projects in Saudi Arabia, from adventure development to major construction. By diversifying its offerings and continuing to push the boundaries of adventure recreation and tourism, the Warrior Group aspires to strengthen its position in the Saudi market and double the impact. With its extensive experience in adventure destination development, the Warrior Group resides at the forefront of the adventure industry and leads the way with its world-class experiences and unrivalled customer service. With its distinct vision and determination, the company strives to arouse adventure through the design and development of remarkable adventure facilities, experiences, and brands. For its immersive adventures and commitment to ongoing innovation, the Warrior Group has won two awards at this year’s prestigious UAE Business Awards. Email: [email protected] Company: Warrior Group Web Address: S