Welcome to the Q2 issue of MEA Markets Magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all of the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.
We welcome this quarter with open arms as we greet our summer time. The summer brings forth ideas of fruition which are echoed throughout this edition – we are celebrating concepts and designs that have come into a phase of completion for us and the businesses involved.
Offering insight into some innovative, revolutionary, and down right brilliant ideas, we are here to showcase some trail-blazers in their industries. With a positive mindset and the passion to dream, we come across news ways to progress – especially with influences from companies such as these. We would like to provide you with opportunities to be impressed and motivated towards exceeding all expectations and new discoveries.
As more businesses branch out – after the various waves of the pandemic – they are truly worth sharing with the world. We are proud to present this collection of leaders as they win some of the most prestigious awards.
We look forward to the next quarter and, in the meantime, we hope you all enjoy reading through this incredible issue. We would also like to wish you a very happy few months ahead. We will welcome you back soon.
As 2022 draws to a close, we are taking the opportunity to shine the light on some of the most remarkable firms, whether problem-solving mortgage broker, innovative marketing and SEO agency, cutting-edge workspace provider, or tenacious ship const...