MEA Markets Magazine Announces Winners of the 2020 UAE Business Awards.
United Kingdom, 2019– MEA Markets magazine announces the winners of the 2020 UAE Business Awards. Now in its fourth year, the UAE Business Awards were launched to recognise the extraordinary achievements of those working and operating in the United Arab Emirates. Long considered a bastion of good business practices, creativity and innovation, there’s certainly much to celebrate in the region. Indeed, despite what is shaping up to be a challenging year on the global business landscape, the UAE is striving to remain – in all ways- best in class. Regardless of size, businesses and establishments throughout the UAE are meeting this difficulty head on and finding opportunities for growth despite it all. This entrepreneurial spirit is one of the reasons we launched this programme, and why we endeavour to always recognise the hard work and achievements of the Middle East. Awards Coordinator Jessie Wilson comments: “Every year it is a pleasure to reach out to the winners of this programme. Congratulations to you all, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year – and beyond- ahead.” To find out more about these prestigious awards, and the dedicated professionals selected for them, please visit http://www.mea-markets.com/ where you can view our winners supplement and full winners list. ENDS Notes to editors. About MEA Markets Published quarterly, MEA Markets endeavours to provide readers with the latest business and investment news across the Middle East and Africa regions. Keeping pace with a vast array of ever-changing sectors thanks to regular contributions from some of the region’s top corporate professionals across a variety of industries, MEA Markets is home to the very best news, features and comment from the people and institutions in the know.Subscribe
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