CAMELOT Management Consultants Middle East

Awarded in the UAE Business Awards 2018.

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About CAMELOT Management Consultants Middle East

CAMELOT Management Consultants Middle East

Best Value Chain Management Consultancy - Middle East & Award for Excellence in Process Improvement Advice

Camelot Management Consultants is a strategy and organization consultancy for integrated value chain management, and stands for the successful interaction between excellent strategy consulting and innovative process management. With an integrated approach to consulting, considering clients’ entire value chains, and close cooperation with many well-known technology specialists, the company guarantees success in project management across all stages of consultation. In this way the company can help clients both with short-term operational challenges, and with the sustainable implementation of long-term strategic goals.

Camelot is also a global leader in Digital Transformation and has developed proven use cases in value chain management for hot and relevant topics including AI, Block Chain, Machine Learning.

Key services provided

CAMELOT Management Consultants is the globally leading consulting specialist for value chain management delivering innovative concepts and solutions along the entire value chain to sustainably improve our clients’ performance and market position, from strategy to measurable results.