Golden Frond Company L.L.C.

Awarded in the UAE Business Awards 2018.

Award logo for winner - UAE Business Awards
About Golden Frond Company L.L.C.

Golden Frond Company L.L.C.

Best Concrete Coring Specialists 2018

GFC - Golden Frond Company L.L.C. was established in 1996 in Dubai – UAE and built its professional reputation in concrete technical works by delivering Top Quality solutions to different volumes of projects that met our Clients Satisfaction.

GFC is proudly owned by Mr Selvam Celestin. A professional businessman who is committed to development and growing business in every aspect available to challenge new growing market demands and engineered solutions. Mr Celestine believes in teamwork and communication skills as well as deep research and study of each case project comprehensively.

Our professional portfolio and reputation has made us a target for other companies to look up to as GFC was awarded Best Concrete Coring Specialists 2018 in the 2018 UAE Business Awards by MEA-Markets.