Sawaeed Employment L.L.C.

Awarded in the UAE Business Awards 2018.

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About Sawaeed Employment L.L.C.

Sawaeed Employment L.L.C.

Best Manpower Outsourcing Company 2018

Sawaeed Employment L.L.C Provides Qualified Professionals To Government and Private Sectors.

We Supply Manpower To Constructions, Oil & Gas, Hospitality & Industrial Intities as well.

Sawaeed Employment L.L.C was founded in 2006 by a group of 16 UAE national companies with a single vision of employing all types of manpower under a one visa and providing demand-driven employment to various fields of government and private sectors, Sawaeed has a state of art standards of living establishments of labor cities and the management of all employee benefits in accordance with UAE’s Labor Law.

Contact: Toll Free 800 7292333 (SAWAEED)


Email: [email protected]