Know Thyself Coaching Institute

Awarded in the MEA Business Awards 2020.

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About Know Thyself Coaching Institute

Best Life Coaching Institute - Dubai


KTCI® is a leading certifying authority in providing the most powerful training experiences in alternative and integrative approaches in psychology, human understanding, neuroscience and personal growth.

Dedicated to providing education that promotes & develops a deep understanding of empowerment in the concept of the “whole person”; spirit, mind, emotion, & body in an effort to achieve an integrated experience of Self & connectedness with others.

Expert in the field of personal empowerment and integrative energy & holistic healing methods, offering a unique blend of neuroscience, energy and emotional intelligence psychology which include:

 Empowering Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

 Mental Emotional Release Therapy (MER®)

 Time Empowerment Techniques

 Integrative Life Coach Training

