ZeLoop (by SmartBlock Beverages FZ LLC)

Awarded in the MEA Business Awards 2021.

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About ZeLoop (by SmartBlock Beverages FZ LLC)

Best Blockchain Solutions Development Company - Dubai

SmartBlock Beverages FZ LLC developed ZeLoop, the first blockchain reward platform for engaging end-users in the circular economy and its associated mobile phone application. It empowers businesses and institutions to incentivize end-users in embodying pro-environmental behaviors for a litter-free world. Companies can link their CSR strategy with sustainable actions on the field that are measurable and trustfully traced using blockchain technology. The platform technology supports any solutions aiming at rewarding an eco-friendly gesture. SmartBlock is the first company in the GCC that received the prestigious label from the Solar Impulse foundation as 1000+ profitable solutions to protect the environment.
Winner uploaded image - ZeLoop (by SmartBlock Beverages FZ LLC)